Dr Julie's Coffee Chats
Dr Julie - health researcher, PhD trained and chef, self-trained.
On a mission to leave the next generation and our planet a lot more of a healthier place. This is your space to ask questions on topics that no-one seems to want to discuss. With information that is backed by research along with a good dose of practical advice.
Real Talk. Real People. Real Answers.
Dr Julie's Coffee Chats
58. Independent Women Series – Money & Interviews (Part 2)
Dr Julie
Episode 58
This episode is part 2 of our money and financial education independent women
series. In this interview Caz and I share our top tips on preparing cover letters, CVs
and interviews. This is relevant regardless of where you are in the work force (or not)
as keeping up with these skills are important – we never know when we might need
them and being prepared can make all the difference.